Submit UI Month Event

Host an Event to Celebrate International Diversity

Join a Month-long Celebration in March!

We are grateful to our partners & event hosts

Upstate International encourages hosts to put on events and to co-brand their events as part of UIM so that the month as a whole is recognized. By co-branding events as part of UIM, coupled with our promoting the events on our website, through social media, and UIM calendar pages, as well as in TV and radio spots, we are able to present an easily identifiable UIM brand that draws more attention to the month-long initiative. It is our goal to promote those events under the umbrella of Upstate International Month because there is strength in numbers; promoting each event as part of a larger initiative heightens awareness of each individual event and culture while at the same time advertises the Upstate as a whole, committed to honoring our international and cultural diversity.
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