Greenville Date Night: Embrace the Summer Heat with Camperdown Salsa Dancing

Greenville Date Night: Embrace the Summer Heat with Camperdown Salsa Dancing

By Ariel Blanchard For The Post and Courier

Jul 18, 2024

Welcome to Date Night, your weekly inspiration and themed itinerary pairing a local cultural activity or event with a corresponding dining experience. Want to win at going out? Impress your significant other with your newfound, niche planning skills? Or simply answer the weekly “what are we doing tonight?” I got you.

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. I’m referring, of course, to the weather that we’ve been trying to avoid for weeks, and at this point, after feeble attempts at cooling down, might as well accept the summer temperatures and heat things back up.

A few ways to do that: be outside; do any sort of physical activity outside; attempt physical activity that could cause embarrassment; pick up a new physical activity skill and rock it with reckless abandon; involve a romantic partner in any of these steps; or all of the above!

Yeah, we’re going dancing Friday night with a few hundred of your new best friends. And it won’t cost a thing other than some blood, sweat and tears, depending on your skill level and commitment to the activity. It might, however, be a memorable bonding moment worth every expenditure of energy and spark a new couple’s hobby. Or, you’ll just have a great time together laughing and sweating and releasing endorphins. It’ll be worth the price of admission.

Date Night Theme: Hottest Night in Greenville

To do:

Salsa at Sunset

Camperdown Plaza

July 26, 6-10 p.m.

More info here


Upstate International knows how to throw a party, and this one celebrates Latin American culture with live music and the only natural response to said music — salsa dancing.

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