Filling the Well of our Being: Scientific and Spiritual Insights for Health and Happiness

Filling the Well of our Being: Scientific and Spiritual Insights for Health and Happiness

Great Decisions Pic
10:00 am -
12:00 pm
Categories: International Women's Group | UI Program

After the difficulties presented last year, finding both scientific and spirirual insights for health and happiness couldn’t come at a better time. Join the International Women’s Group in welcoming Shamini Jain, PhD, of CHI (Conciousness and Healing Initiative) as she shares her expertise and helps u sto learn and grow together. Specifically, Dr. Jain will share: What scientific evidence from placedbo, neuroscience and inegrative healing research are telling us about our power to heal ourselves and each other; 3 keys of well-being and how to foster them; simple mind-bdy-spirit practices to foster vitality and connection in your everyday life

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