Potluck Lunch – UI Women’s Group – Greenville

Potluck Lunch – UI Women’s Group – Greenville

Upstate International ,
9 S. Memminger St, Greenville, SC 29601
10:00 am -
12:30 pm
Categories: International Women's Group | Open to Public

Welcome back Potluck “eat, talk and catch up” at Upstate International. Bring a dish to share. We love to see all of our members back at Upstate International for a welcome-back potluck! We love to meet new members and to catch up with our regulars and hear about everyone’s summer adventures. Bring a dish to share, preferably a favorite recipe from your country!

Clubs are open—and free!—for all members of Upstate International. Membership is affordable and gives you access to all of UI’s wonderful programs and opportunities.

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