Uniqueness. A poem by Juan Gonzalez

Uniqueness. A poem by Juan Gonzalez
A Grand Retirement Adventure by Alan Blake: Part 12

The leaves come off dry,

And I run after the noise of the wind

searching without success for two of them,

only two to be identical.

If I find them, they will be proof,

of a reality, such repetitive,

whatever his being carries,

it lacks an alternative choice.

Dance of compositions, instants,

melodies, paintings, all unique.

unfolding as lives,

in a burst of uniqueness

Never identical sunrises,

sunsets all unique,

yesterday they never were,

tomorrow they will not.

If the artist is always incapable

to create two identical works,

this concrete reality requires

that an Artist of artists, be.

Even in the tiniest little thing,

there are differences between particles,

uniqueness devoid of contradiction,

except for the still evasive: nothing.

Much less the eyes of love,

once again demonstrate uniqueness,

not by exception, everything fresh,

ready to design a unique world.

If there were two identical smiles,

if they could be repeated once,

would be a waste of time

and therefore of the design, a flaw.

But no, still the ‘I love you’s

or the ‘I want you’s are unique,

showing one more time,

that this reality is … perfect.

Juan Gonzales founded the Spanish Writers of Greenville in 2014.

Today the bilingual group travels throughout the Upstate and beyond sharing culture, creativity, and community.

Juan Gonzalez is the leader of the Spanish Writers. Learn more about him here: https://towncarolina.com/article/bridging-cultures/

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